Architectural Control Committee
The purpose of architectural control is to maintain an attractive community for the enjoyment of property owners and for the protection of property values. This includes maintaining general harmony of construction in the POA, assuring conformity with the natural surroundings, and implementing the enforcement of the Declaration. The Declaration authorizes the ACC to establish rules, standards, and procedures for the orderly development of Hilltop Lakes and requires property owners to obtain written approval from the ACC for any new structures, changes or additions, or other improvements to their property. The ACC has established guidelines in accordance with the authority granted to it by the Association's Board of Directors and the provisions of the Declaration.
ACC Administrator:
- Yvonne Murray
936-855-222 x170
- Randy Patro (joined 9/2023)
Vice Chair:
- Steven Bearden (joined 08/2021)
Committee Members:
- Kari Hodges (joined 01/2020)
- Buddy Laird (joined 02/2020)
- Deedie Slaydon (joined 03/2021)
- Peg Parker (joined 9/2023)
- Kerry Johnston (joined 9/2023)
- Curtiss Donahoe (joined 9/2023)
Nominations and Elections Committee
The purpose of the Nominating and Election Committee is to ensure that all procedures are in place and enforced to establish an effective, accountable and transparent framework for organizing, managing and holding annual nominations and elections of directors.
- Billy Rowe
- Joan Callaway
- Andrew Glass
- Sandy Nichols
- Tamela Rains
- Caroline Vogt