Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Vendor InformationName *FirstLastEvent Choice *EggstravaganzaFreedom FestFall FestChristmas Lighting EventOtherPlease indicate which event you wish to attend.Business Name *Contact Email *Select which is your business *Merchandise-Non-Property Owners/"Guests", must provide copy of Certificate of Liability with Hilltop Lakes listed as "Additional Insured" (Must be on file prior to event.)Food Truck/Food Handlers License & Non-Property Owners/"Guests" Certificate of Liability with Hilltop Lakes listed as "Additonal Insured" (must be on file prior to event)Contact Phone *Briefly describe your merchandise:Disclaimer *I AgreeVENDOR AGREES TO ASSUME ALL RISK OF LOSS, INJURY, DAMAGE OR THEFT OF ANY KIND OR NATURE TO ANY EXHIBIT OR COMPONENET THEREOF DURING THE COURSE OF THE EVENT. VENDOR AGREES TO ASSUME AL LIABIITY FOR DAMAMGE TO PROPERTY, PERSON OR PERSON ARISING FROM ACCIDENTAL OR OTHER CASES INCIDENTAL TO MOVEMENT AND OPERATIONS OF THE EXHIBIT AND RELEASES THE POA OF HILLTOP LAKES, INC. FROM ANY LIABILITY. VENDOR AGREES TO REMOVE ALL MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT AND DEBRIS FROM THE FESTIVAL PROPERTY AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE EVENT. VENDORS ARE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT PAYMENT OF $20.00 (ONLINE PAYMENTS ARE SUBJECT TO A 3% SERVICE FEE OF $1.65) FOOD TRUCKS AGREE TO PROVIDE A COPY OF THE STATE OF TEXAS FOOD HANDLERS'S CERTIFICATE WITH YOUR REGISTRATION, PRIOR TO THE EVENT BY EMAILING IT TO RITA.RUSS@HILLTOPLAKES.COM OR DELIVERING IT TO THE ACTIVITIES OFFICE PRIOR TO THE EVENT. THIS EVENT WILL EVENT WILL CONTINUE RAIN OR SHINE. YOUR FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE. BY SIGNING BELOW, YOU ARE IN AGREEMENT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE EVENT.Vendor AuthorizationsSignature * Clear SignatureOnline Payments:Payments can be made on line. Return to the Events drop-down on Fees. This will open you up to a page you can pay online. Debit cards are no charge, credit cards have a 3% service fee. You can also pay in the Welcome Center or by phone at 903-512-0358. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Activities Office *All Guest must have event insurance. Please attach your copy of your Certificate of Liability with Additional Insured.Submit =”61976″]
Payments can be made on line. Return to the Events drop-down on Fees. This will open you up to a page you can pay online. Debit cards are no charge, credit cards have a 3% service fee. You can also pay in the Welcome Center or by phone at 903-512-0358. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Activities Office 903-512-0358.